How long does a gas safety certificate last?

A gas safety certificate, also known as a CP12, is a legal document that verifies that all gas appliances, fittings, and flues in a property have been inspected by a Gas Safe registered engineer and deemed safe for use.

This certificate proves compliance with the Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations, which aim to minimize gas-related incidents such as carbon monoxide poisoning, gas leaks, and explosions.

How often should I get a gas safety certificate?

A gas safety certificate is valid for 12 months from the issue date. It is crucial for landlords and property managers to ensure that a valid certificate is always maintained to protect the safety of tenants and avoid legal penalties.

Need a gas safety certificate? Book online here.

Do I need a gas safety certificate to sell a house?

gas safety to sell your home

Although a gas safety certificate is not legally required to sell your home or property, it is strongly recommended that you have regular gas safety checks performed if you own gas appliances. However, if you rent out your property, you are legally obligated to provide a gas safety certificate.

How do I know if my gas safety certificate is valid?

Always hire a Gas Safe registered engineer for any gas-related work in your home. Call the Gas Safe Register at 0800 408 5500 or visit their website to verify an engineer's registration and ensure the certificate is valid.

What happens if my property fails its gas safety check?

Gas safety failed

If an engineer finds any gas appliances to be defective or unsafe during their inspection, they will mark the "Not safe to use" checkbox on the certificate.

Three different codes on certificates indicate that appliances are not safe for use:

  1. Immediately Dangerous (ID) - an appliance posing an immediate threat to life

  2. At Risk (AR) - an appliance or installation with at least one fault that could endanger life

In cases of immediate danger or risk, the gas engineer will seek permission to disconnect the gas supply. They will then recommend the necessary repair work to address the issues. To ensure the safety of your tenants, it is crucial to have these repairs completed within a reasonable timeframe, ideally as soon as possible.

What is the fine for not having a gas safety certificate?

The repercussions can be severe. Under the Gas Safety regulations, you (and your agent, if you have one) may face prosecution, a fine of up to £6000, and/or up to six months in prison. If a tenant were to die due to a faulty gas appliance that had not been inspected, you could be charged with manslaughter.

Is it illegal not to have an annual gas safety inspection?

Not adhering to Gas Safety Regulations is a severe violation.

Failing to provide a gas safety record constitutes a criminal offence, and landlords may face unlimited fines and/or six months in prison.

Additionally, this is considered a hazardous situation, and landlords may be subject to enforcement actions, including prohibition or improvement notices or even emergency corrective measures taken by the local authority.

Can I get a copy of my Gas Safe certificate?

Yes, you'll receive a certificate by email after the inspection. If you lose/misplace your certificate, you can download it in your online account with us.

You can access your account here.

Does a gas safety certificate check a gas boiler?

Yes, a gas safety certificate inspection includes checking the boiler. A Gas Safe registered engineer will examine the boiler to ensure it is functioning safely and efficiently, in compliance with the relevant regulations. The inspection typically covers the boiler's installation, ventilation, gas pressure, flue system, safety devices, and overall operation.

Is there a grace period for a gas safety certificate?

Gas safety valid for 1 year

The Gas Safety Regulations 2018 allow landlords to renew the gas safety record up to two months before the "deadline date," which is the end of the 12-month validity period. This means the inspection can take place during months 11 and 12 of the current gas safety record without losing any of the validity period.

Upon completion of the check, the new record will be treated as if it was carried out on the last day of the 12-month validity period.

For instance, if your current gas safety certificate expires on March 1st, 2023, you can conduct the gas safety check on January 1st, 2023, and your new certificate will still be valid until March 1st, 2024.

It's important to note that this renewal method is only available if you can prove your two previous gas checks were performed on time. If a landlord cannot provide evidence of the two prior gas safety records, the current gas safety record's expiry date will be 12 months from the date of the last gas safety check.

How long does a gas certificate take?

A standard gas safety check for an average domestic property usually takes between 25 and 45 minutes. The duration also depends on the size of your property and its location, as the inspection covers all gas appliances in your home to guarantee safety.

What needs to be included on a landlord gas safety record?

The essential information that must be on the gas safety record is:

  1. A description and location of each appliance or flue the engineer inspected

  2. The engineer's name, registration number, and signature

  3. The date the inspection was conducted

  4. The address of the property being inspected

  5. The landlord's (or their agent's) name and address

  6. Any safety defects the engineer discovered and any actions needed or taken to resolve them

  7. Confirmation of the results from the operational safety checks performed on the appliances

The law also mandates that the pipework in rental properties be maintained in safe working order. Therefore, these forms often have a section where the engineer can record the tests' results that demonstrate the pipework's safety.

Keep in mind that while tenants are responsible for their own gas appliances, landlords are still responsible for the pipework to which the appliances are connected.

Who keeps the gas safety certificate?

The landlord is responsible for keeping the gas safety certificate. After a Gas Safe registered engineer conducts the annual gas safety inspection, they will issue a gas safety certificate to the landlord. The landlord must keep a record of the certificate for at least two years.

Also, landlords must provide a copy of the gas safety certificate to their tenants within 28 days of the inspection. For new tenants, the certificate must be provided before they move in.

Can a plumber do a gas safety check?

A plumber can only perform a gas safety check if they are also a Gas Safe registered engineer. Gas safety checks involve inspecting and ensuring the proper functioning of gas appliances, pipework, and flues, which requires specific knowledge and qualifications.

Only engineers who are on the Gas Safe Register are legally allowed to work on gas installations and gas appliances. So, when hiring someone to carry out a gas safety check, always verify that they are Gas Safe registered, regardless of their other qualifications or expertise.

Do tenants need a copy of the gas safety certificate every year?

Yes, landlords must provide their tenants with a copy of the gas safety certificate every year. After a Gas Safe registered engineer carries out the annual gas safety inspection, landlords must give a copy of the certificate to their tenants within 28 days of the inspection. 

For new tenants, the certificate must be provided before they move into the property. This ensures that tenants are aware of the safety and condition of the gas appliances, pipework, and flues in the rental property.

There are other safety certificates landlords should be aware of, learn more here.

Do you need a gas certificate for a new gas hob?

Hob installation gas safety

When installing a new gas hob, hiring a Gas Safe registered engineer is crucial to ensure the installation is carried out correctly and safely. Although you may not receive a specific gas safety certificate for the newly installed gas hob, the engineer should provide a commissioning report or documentation confirming the installation has been done correctly and complies with the relevant regulations.

If you are a landlord, the new gas hob will need to be included in your next annual gas safety inspection, and the certificate should reflect the addition of the appliance.

Is a boiler service the same as a gas safety check?

A boiler service and a gas safety check are not the same, although they are related and may sometimes be carried out simultaneously.

A gas safety check involves a Gas Safe registered engineer inspecting a property's gas appliances, pipework, and flues to ensure they are safe and in good working condition. For landlords, it is a legal requirement to have an annual gas safety check performed and provide a gas safety certificate to their tenants.

A boiler service helps to maintain the boiler's efficiency, prolong its lifespan, and reduce the likelihood of breakdowns. On the other hand, a boiler service is a more comprehensive maintenance procedure for the boiler.

During a boiler service, a Gas Safe registered engineer will not only check the boiler's safety but also clean its components, inspect for wear and tear, and assess the system's overall efficiency.

While they are distinct procedures, it is not uncommon for landlords to schedule a boiler service and gas safety check at the same time for convenience and to minimize disruption for tenants.

You can learn more about boiler servicing here.

boiler service with a gas safety check?

Can a tenant move in without a gas safety certificate?

Legally, a tenant should not move into a rental property without a valid gas safety certificate. Landlords are required by law to provide tenants with a copy of the gas safety certificate before they move in.

Failing to provide a gas safety certificate before the tenant moves in may lead to penalties for the landlord, including fines or legal action. To ensure compliance with regulations and the safety of the tenant, it is essential to have a gas safety check carried out and the certificate issued before the tenant occupies the property.

Does an electric boiler need a gas safety certificate?

No, an electric boiler does not require a gas safety certificate because it does not involve the use of natural gas or any gas-related components. Gas safety certificates are specifically intended for gas appliances, pipework, and flues in a property to ensure their safe operation and compliance with relevant gas safety regulations.

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